NJ Health is your hometown hospice and palliative care provider. We are proud to serve all South Jersey. We were founded by passionate healthcare professionals and are deeply rooted in the local communities we serve. Our dedicated hospice team provides compassionate care for those individuals living with progressive illness and their families, through medical, emotional, spiritual, and social support. Our commitment to excellence in providing extraordinary end of life care that patients and their loved ones deserve is the foundation of our company.
We are honored to provide hospice services wherever you call home, whether that is in the comfort of your family home, assisted living, a nursing home or anywhere else.
Our experts are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to answer your questions or come out to your home, regardless of the time or day.
Hospice care is covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and most private insurance companies. The benefit covers services, equipment and medications related to the terminal diagnosis.
Hospice does not mean you are giving up hope. In fact, many patients and families wish they would have received hospice care sooner.
If you or your loved one is experiencing any of the following, please call us for an evaluation 24/7/365
Unintentional weight loss
Decrease in appetite
Increased difficulty in performing activities of daily living
Multiple Complex Medical Conditions
Frequent infections
Changes in medications
Recent falls/weakness
Shortness of breath; difficulty breathing even at rest
Uncontrolled pain
Multiple hospital or ER visits
Non healing wounds or skin breakdowns
Increased confusion/agitation
Increased difficulty with verbal communication
Excessive sleeping during the day
Difficulty sleeping through the night due to pain or other symptoms
Our team knows that every patient is someone’s Mom, Dad, Grandmother, Aunt, or best friend. They have given so much in their life and they earned a peaceful end of life. During their most vulnerable time what we do each and everyday matters. They deserve extraordinary care that our team will deliver.
Look at who is on our hospice team!
Meet our most famous team members: